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Handling Suno Looping Lyrics

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The Update’s Impact

With the recent update, Suno can now generate longer songs. While this sounds great, the problem is that the AI sometimes just loops lyrics to fill the time instead of creating a cohesive song.

Identifying the Problem

Problem: Looping Lyrics

Many users have noticed that Suno tends to loop lyrics unnecessarily, creating longer but repetitive songs. This issue of looping lyrics can make the songs feel less original and more monotonous.


"I love when I cue it to fade out and it does so but then it changes its mind and gives me another 90 seconds of repeats of verses, chorus, bridges..."

Manual Trimming as a Solution

Solution: Manual Trimming

One way to handle the issue of looping lyrics is to manually trim the songs. Download the generated song and use an audio editing tool to cut out the repetitive parts caused by the looping lyrics.


"...had to download and trim songs and trim them manually at spots that just 'make sense' to get a full sounding something."

Using Parameters and Tags

Solution: Using [End] and [Outro] Tags

To control the length of the song and prevent looping lyrics, try using specific tags like [End] or [Outro]. This can signal the AI to stop generating beyond a certain point.


"[Outro] before the last block of lyrics, followed by [end] will usually get the job done."


Customizing the Ending

Solution: Defining an End Parameter

It’s helpful to specify where you want the song to end to avoid looping lyrics. Including a time-based end parameter can guide the AI to finish the song at a desired length.


"Being able to tell Suno that you want the song to end at 2:45 for example..."

Enhancing Suno’s Performance

Solution: Alternative AI Models

If Suno continues to have issues with looping lyrics, consider exploring other AI models like Udio. Users have reported better experiences with different models, especially after updates.


"Have you tried the new Udio 2 min 10s model? ... Udio has really blown me away after the last update."


By implementing these strategies, you can minimize the issue of looping lyrics in Suno and create more cohesive and professional-sounding songs.