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Udio's Audio Upload Feature vs Suno AI

Introduction to Udio’s New Feature

Udio just rolled out an audio upload feature, allowing users to upload their own clips and extend them with new layers. This has created a buzz as it lets users enhance their Suno-generated songs using Udio.

How It Works

Udio’s new feature is all about giving more control and creativity to music producers. Users can now upload an audio clip and extend it, which is perfect for refining your tracks.

”You can upload an audio clip of your choice, and extend this clip either forward or backward by 32 seconds using up to 2 minutes of context. Audio uploads greatly enrich your prompting vocabulary.”


Comparison with Suno AI

Feature Availability

  • Udio: Audio uploads are available now.
  • Suno: Audio uploads are not yet available to all users.

User Experience

  • Udio: Easy-to-use, provides WAV downloads, and has a mobile-friendly interface.
  • Suno: Known for creativity but lacks certain features like audio uploads and high-quality voice outputs.

Quality of Output

  • Udio: Produces high-quality, natural-sounding voices but might lack creativity.
  • Suno: More creative and diverse in melodies but has received complaints about voice quality.

Common Issues and Solutions

Issue 1: Poor Sound Quality

Some users feel that Suno doesn’t acknowledge sound quality issues, which affects their experience.

Solution: Experiment with Udio for higher quality outputs.


Suno doesn't even acknowledge the sound quality issue, even though we have been complaining about it for months...

Issue 2: Limited Feature Release

Suno’s delay in releasing features to all users is a concern for many.

Solution: Consider Udio for immediate access to new features.


They’ve got it, but for some reason they’re not releasing it even to paid subscribers.

Tips for Using Udio’s Audio Upload Feature

Tip 1: Set Tempo and Mood

Use your uploaded audio to set the tempo and mood of your track, then let Udio extend it creatively.

Tip 2: Experiment with Different Genres

Try using different genres to see how Udio adapts and enhances your music.

Tip 3: Use Audio Uploads for Inspiration

If you’re stuck on a track, upload what you have and let Udio inspire the next section.


I took a 4 bar loop from a beat I made and put it in and asked it to generate an intro for an R&B song, female vocalist. The voice was really good on both tracks it generated.

Song example

Final Thoughts

Both Udio and Suno have their strengths. Udio’s new audio upload feature is a game-changer for those looking for more control over their music production, while Suno excels in creativity. Try both and see which works best for your needs.