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How to Reuse a Song Seed in Suno AI

Solution: To reuse a song seed in Suno AI for generating new songs with similar instrumental and vocal characteristics but varied lyrics and melodies, start the new song generation from a specific timestamp of the original song. This approach can help maintain certain elements like voice and instrumental setup while allowing for new musical variations.


  1. Using a Fixed Timestamp: Start a song from a particular moment (e.g., 2 seconds into the track) to ensure the continuation retains the original voice and band setup. This method has shown varied success with the melody but can maintain the song’s general style and tempo.

    Example of this approach: Suno Song Link

  2. Adding Lyrics to Instrumentals: Convert an instrumental piece into a full song by starting the generation process after an introductory segment (e.g., 10-20 seconds), and adding lyrics. This can transform an instrumental into a complete song while preserving the original tune’s essence.

    Original and modified versions:

  3. Creating Variants from a Single Seed: Generate multiple song variants from a single successful intro or theme to explore different musical directions or to develop a cohesive album. This method focuses on consistent sound while varying other song elements.

Additional Tips:

  • The effectiveness of reusing seeds may vary, so experimentation and multiple attempts might be necessary.
  • Utilize precise timestamps for starting points to control how much of the original song’s characteristics are retained.
  • Consider the potential for creating thematic albums or collections using a consistent voice or instrumental setup across multiple tracks.