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How to Structure Prompts for Suno AI

Solution: To achieve consistent outcomes when prompting Suno AI for music generation, understanding and effectively structuring prompts is crucial. This ensures that the AI interprets your intentions accurately and the music aligns with your desired characteristics.


  1. Use Custom Mode and Detailed Descriptors: Instead of relying on the general input fields, switch to custom mode where you can specify each aspect of your music:

    Genre: Heavy Metal, Mood: Dark, Key: B minor

    This format helps prevent the AI from misinterpreting parts of your prompt as lyrics.

  2. Separating Elements with Commas: When you want to combine multiple attributes like genre, voice, and instrumental emphasis, separating them with commas can clarify your intentions:

    Gothic, Alternative Metal, Ethereal Voice

    This method helps the AI differentiate between various stylistic elements.

  3. Using Brackets for Specific Instructions: To ensure that specific instructions are followed, use brackets to define song sections or vocal styles:

    [Verse1] [Female Ethereal Voice]

    This helps in guiding the AI more precisely, especially when trying to emulate certain band styles or unique vocal characteristics.

Additional Tips:

  • Experiment with different structuring formats to see which provides the best results for your specific style.
  • Incorporate mood, tempo, and “ear candy” elements to enhance the overall appeal of the music.
  • Remember, the more specific your prompt, the more likely the AI will produce the desired outcome.

Understanding how to effectively structure your prompts can significantly improve the consistency and quality of the music generated by Suno AI, turning your creative visions into reality.