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How to Specify Chord Progressions in Suno AI


Musicians often want to create songs with specific chord progressions, like an instrumental trance song in A minor using a specific sequence (Am, F, G, Em). However, challenges arise when the AI misinterprets this input and creates lyrics about the chord names instead of following the intended musical pattern. This issue reflects the AI’s current limitations in distinguishing between lyrical content and musical instructions.


To address this, use targeted strategies to better specify your musical requirements to the AI:


  1. Use the “custom mode” to separate lyrics and style inputs:

    Style: instrumental trance in A minor
    Lyrics: [Am] [F] [G] [Em]

    This helps the AI focus on the musical style without confusing it with the lyrics.

  2. Clearly label your musical elements in the prompt:

    Chord progression: [Am] [F] [G] [Em]

    Including the term “chord progression” might help the AI to recognize and apply these details more accurately.

  3. Experiment with mood descriptors linked to scales:

    Mood: sad (for minor scales)

    Sometimes, describing the mood can indirectly influence the AI to select the appropriate scale, such as using “sad” for minor keys.

Additional Tips:

  • While the AI might not always follow complex musical instructions perfectly, using clear, distinct commands can increase your chances of getting closer to your desired outcome.
  • Be prepared for some trial and error. The AI’s understanding of musical nuances is still developing, and it may take several attempts to achieve the intended effect.
  • Linking mood descriptors with musical scales can be an indirect but effective way to guide the AI in your desired musical direction.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your ability to create specific musical compositions using Suno AI, even within the current technological limitations.