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How to Avoid Copyright Issues with Tunecore and Distrokid

Understanding the Problem

Many musicians face challenges with Tunecore and Distrokid regarding copyright issues, especially with AI-generated music. Tunecore’s terms allow them to deduct $300 per song if they suspect sampling, which can lead to significant financial losses.

Solution Overview

To avoid these copyright issues, you need to understand the terms and conditions of these platforms, use original content, and consider alternative distribution strategies.

Strategy 1: Understand Terms and Conditions

Read and understand the terms and conditions of Tunecore and Distrokid. This will help you know what you can and cannot do, and avoid unexpected charges.

Strategy 2: Use Original Content

Always create and use original content. Avoid using samples from other artists’ songs, as this can trigger sampling detection and copyright issues.

Original lyrics throughout. Tunecore terms state if they suspect sampling, they will take a minimum of $300 from your credit card for legal fees.

Strategy 3: Dispute Incorrect Claims

If you believe a sampling detection is incorrect, dispute it. Often, these detections are automated and can be resolved by human review.

I’ve made original music where a tiny section that sounded similar to some obscure song got flagged. Nothing a quick dispute didn’t fix.

Strategy 4: Consider Alternative Platforms

If Tunecore and Distrokid’s policies are too risky, consider using alternative platforms like YouTube or SoundCloud to share your music. These platforms are more flexible and have fewer restrictions.

Example 1: Using YouTube

Upload your songs to YouTube for free, build a channel, and grow your audience without the risk of financial penalties from suspected sampling.

Example 2: SoundDrop for Distribution

Use platforms like SoundDrop, which have simpler terms and lower costs. This can be a safer option for distributing your music.

I use SoundDrop. Worth the dollar per song. 🎵

Additional Tips

Tip 1: Avoid Using Credit Cards

Use payment methods like PayPal instead of credit cards to avoid unauthorized charges.

Tip 2: Regularly Monitor Accounts

Keep an eye on your accounts for any unusual charges or issues. Being proactive can help you catch problems early.

Tip 3: Stay Updated on Policies

Platforms often update their policies. Stay informed to avoid any surprises.

By following these strategies, you can minimize the risk of copyright issues and ensure a smoother experience with your music distribution.