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How to Handle Producer Tags in Suno AI

Understanding the Problem

Users have reported Suno AI generating songs with producer tags that sound like real, recognizable tags from known producers. This raises concerns about originality and potential copyright issues.

Problem Description

When generating music with Suno AI, some users noticed that the producer tags inserted into the tracks closely resemble those of actual producers. For example, one user shared a song that included a tag sounding like “Cash Money AP.”


Solution Overview

To avoid issues with producer tags, follow these steps:

Step 1: Recognize and Identify Tags

Listen carefully to your generated tracks. If you notice any tags that sound too similar to known producer tags, take note of them.

Step 2: Modify Your Prompts

Adjust your prompts to avoid generating similar-sounding tags. Be explicit in your prompts about not including specific producer tags.

Example: “Generate a song without any producer tags.”

Step 3: Edit the Output

If you still get unwanted tags, use audio editing software to remove them manually. Tools like Audacity or Adobe Audition can help you isolate and delete the tags.

Step 4: Use Licensing and Attribution

Ensure that all parts of your generated music are licensed properly. If using any parts from existing songs, obtain the necessary permissions.

Example: “I paid the sub I own the song. If you don’t like it, take it to court.”

Step 5: Dispute Incorrect Detections

If you believe a tag was incorrectly generated, contact Suno AI support for assistance. They might help you resolve the issue and prevent it from happening again.

Additional Tips

Tip 1: Stay Informed

Keep up-to-date with Suno AI’s policies and updates to avoid potential legal issues.

Tip 2: Experiment with Prompts

Try different variations of prompts to see what works best in avoiding unwanted tags.

Tip 3: Educate Yourself

Learn about audio editing techniques to manage and edit your tracks effectively.

By following these steps, you can reduce the risk of encountering producer tags in your Suno AI-generated music and ensure a smoother creative process.