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Suno v3.5 Release Notes and Issues

Overview of Suno v3.5 Release

Suno v3.5 has been released with significant improvements in audio quality and longer generation times. However, users have reported various issues and mixed experiences with this update.

Issue 1: Longer Generation Times


The update results in longer generation times for songs, which some users find acceptable if it leads to better quality.


"Not going to complain about that, as long as the quality is better as well."

Issue 2: Improved Audio Quality


Initial tests indicate a noticeable improvement in audio quality, especially for electronic and dubstep styles. However, some users still experience the chorus-like effect.


"I made a Phonk Polka song and it sounds MUCH cleaner."

Example Song

Issue 3: Difficulty Generating Obscure Styles


Users find it challenging to generate obscure music styles with v3.5, often receiving basic and unrelated styles instead.


"I reused my prompt of Indian folk, ambient, baccata mix, but got slow country music instead."

Issue 4: Ignoring Musical Styles and Genres


The new version sometimes ignores the specified musical styles and genres, producing generic new pop songs regardless of the prompts.


"V3.5 results are super basic new pop songs regardless of prompts."

Issue 5: Vocal Quality Issues


Despite improvements in audio quality, the vocal quality remains problematic, with distortion and “demon choir” effects still present.


"Anyone know if 3.5 or v4 cleared up the demon chorus/distorted vocals?"

Example Song

Issue 6: Prompt Generator Glitches


The prompt generator occasionally fails to retain previous prompts, resulting in incorrect song generations. Users report needing to add punctuation to correct the issue.


"Put a full stop in the prompt when trying again and it generated fine."

Issue 7: Pop-Washed Outputs


Users attempting to create various genres, such as metal, often end up with songs that sound overly poppy.


"Trying to make metal and it sounds great, then the vocals come in and it is so poppy sounding every time."

Tips for Better Results

Tip 1: Use Detailed Prompts

Include detailed descriptions in the prompts and specify genres and styles both in the style box and within brackets at the start of the track.

Tip 2: Dispute Incorrect Generations

If a generated song does not meet the expected quality or style, consider disputing the generation to receive a human review.

Tip 3: Experiment with Prompts

Experiment with different prompt structures and include punctuation to improve the accuracy of the generated songs.

By understanding these issues and following the provided tips, users can better navigate the new features and ongoing challenges of Suno v3.5.